Monday, December 25, 2006

Crumby's Worst Day and Ray's Precipitation Update

Please, please, WG, spare me more aggravation than I may be able to bear up under. Mercy! Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!!!!


Ha! I'm still here. I am spared again, for the nonce. What's more, I appear to have retained my recently resurrected olfactory skills for the nonce. That's two for the nonce, fer me, survival and olfactory sensibility. I can smell something or other right now, Praise the Goddess.

Hark! Here's Ray. Ray! Here I am Ray, back to normal, as average a bosom companion as any might desire. Plus I have retained the ability to smell stuff folowing this metamorphosis to normalcy and averageness.

Yepper. I can see that you are way more normal and average than you were yesterday, Crumby. You need to move over though so I can spell the precipitation update.

All righty then, Ray. I shall move on over.

Ahem. This is perhaps the most significant rainfall event ever recorded at the CB. That's becasue a great quantity of rain fell at a time of great need. We got 2.5" and we needed every drop. So that roars us up from 19.1" to 21.6" for the annual nonce. Looks like 21.6" will be the final total for this ring of the Julian too.

Rainfall per year is a useless statistic.


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