Sunday, September 21, 2008

Why I Don’t Trust America!

Yes. Correct. I do not trust my own country at all. Not in the least.

Druids study patterns. Patterns indicate that the ruling class is idle, or out of ideas, or busy financing all the money into fewer and fewer pockets. The participants in government, elected or hired, are universally nosing after the ruling class trickle down, and also out of ideas. The justice system is hopelessly corrupt. The people are simply ridiculous, propagandized by the ruling class into holding opinions discredited when Herbert Hoover was president.

To make matters worse, America has collectively decided to globalize the mess at home, going imperialist with the whole shebang and backing up the whole shebang with the most successful national socialist (NAZI) arms industry the world has seen since Hitler. Yes. Selling and using up arms is our only big hope for success in the global market.

Then there is the emerging police state. As if a police state was needed, the presidency is now invested with the power to keep the Americano people from squeaking or raising hell about this or that. Our phones are tapped, our e-mails are tapped, our credit card information is tapped, and the cards are tapped out. Anyone who squeaks may be easily hauled off, held without trial, tortured. There are a hundred cops and two informants for every dissident.

So who among the brave Americanos shall squeak? Nay, few if any shall squeak. Nay!

Buh! Brave Americanos believe that free enterprise and Jesus are the twain guiding lights, bobbing along just up yonder in the foggy recesses of space, time and shining back into the insides of our own noggins. People that stupid do not require a police state to be kept in order. No. The police state is just another way for the ruling class to finance all the money into fewer and fewer pockets.

And now, the latest unprecedented emergency. Notice that the current Kinglet only has unprecedented emergencies. That’s right; foreigners hijacking our airplanes, foreign dictators posessing weapons, maybe, the Enron crooks, hurricanes, and financial crises are all totally unprecedented.

Remember our brave imperialist occupation of miserable Iraq. Well, for that one the Kinglet went all out to convince everyone we needed to do something. So he made up a pack of lies and sent all his minions around, repeating the lies. This lying went on for months before we actually did anything.

This time, the Kinglet decided to condense all the lying into a few hours and, in short order, scare the bejesus out of the Congress. The point of the condensed pack of lies, to give 700 billion dollars to rich people because the rich people may have borrowed, or stolen, then lost, everyone’s money.

In the twilight zone of free enterprise and Jesus, apparently, the Congress, and we the people are fixing to get dealt a hand from the deck, this pack of lies. Ha! Not apparently, just like the Iraqi imperialism, it’s a done deal.

As usual, as a Druid Ovate, I am unfairly attributing lots to Jesus. Actually, Jesus supposedly tried to shake down the money lenders. Jesus may have been a good guy. So what I am really ovating about here is the Demon Mammon. Insert Demon Mammon for Jesus above and all manner of signs and portents, Christian sisters and brothers, shall be revealed. Uh. Hold it. You need to leave Jesus in the money lenders sentence. Everywhere else though, substitute Demon Mammon.

Yep. DY 2 is a shitty year. And it aint over yet.


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