There Ray was at work. But there were all these six legged distractions. There were worms (asiring to six-leggedness)eating the
Galium aparine. There were colorful bug nymphs on the
Galium aparine. There were interesting weevils on the
Nemophila phacelioides. And to top it off, Ray thought he had a lifer butterfly in the seed house. Turns out though, Ray just plain didn't remember the falcate orangetips (
Anthocharis midea)we espied a few years back while doing bird surveys. Ray clean forgot about those. So he tried to make this one into something it isn't. And we still don't have a picture of a male falcate orangetip.
Magnify the picture to the max and you may espy the tricky Neanderthal brow ridge sported by this species.
By the way. Many fly in but few fly out of the seed house. However, red admirals fly out. Are red admirals smarter that other butterflies?
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