Sunday, August 05, 2012

Interspecific Water Polo

Laid up for a week in hospital, miserable, sore to the bone, uncomfortable, stressed to the max, tortured at frequent, regular intervals, denied sleep or rest of any kind, Crumby turned to the TV for distraction and the feeble hope that life was still worth living. The best TV watching options were, Animal Planet and the Olympics. Although, Crumby did also espy much of the Machine Gun Kelly movie starring the well-known grumpy, tough guy Charles Bronson. What a life saver that was! Don't the hospitals actually monitor the programs shown on their televisions and give them ratings? Geez Louise! That movie could of killed me all by itself.

Well, what else. The basic cable the miserable sick person gets at the hospital is sure to kill many. There are Jesus shows. There are news shows. There are monopoly capitalist shows. There are imperialist shows. Crumby's religion keeps him from viewing any of those. Which leaves Animal Planet and the Olympics.

Actually, the Olympics are full of Jesus, monopoly capitalism and imperialism too, but Crumby discovered that if he watched the Olympics on the Spanish networks, he could only understand a little of the Chamber of Commerce, Jesus as the global banker, bullshit. However, a few of the Olympic events are unwatchable even when boadcast en Espanol. One such is water polo. That's why science needs to hurry up and improve the intelligence of various other creatures before they go extinct so those particular creatures might have enough intelligence to get along better in the world and even have some intelligence left over for water polo at the global level.

How about these matchups!

Team USA vs. Team Steller's Sea Lion

Team USA vs. Team Hippo

Team USA vs. Team Orca  (Oops fans! We need to drain the pool again before we can continue)

Team Pica vs. Team Mountain Beaver

Huh-huh. That would be wild. Then we would also be smart enough by then to have better underwater cameras.


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