Sunday, February 23, 2014

Time and the Walking Dead

Or, How to waste the time you have, left.

Crumby first became a viewer of The Walking Dead while convalescing from quadruple bypass surgery.   Yepper.  Sadly, post surgery, Crumby has watched more TV than less.  Assuming TV is bad for the living and neutral for the dead, then more TV is worse than less TV, and therefore, not good.  The opposite of good is bad.  Maybe evil.  The medium is the message.  But what the heck.  If Crumby was good in the first place, he would already be dead.

Oddly, Crumby never felt much kinship with the Walkers.  Even though, Crumby, at the time,  more resembled a Walker than any living member of the show.  Yes.  There was Crumby, practically dead himself, barely shuffling along, yet unable to empathize with the similarly miserable Walkers.  Shucks! So much for drinking your own piss.

By the time Crumby merged into the vast Walking Dead TV audience herd, the show was already in its third season.  Happily though, all the episodes are/were on demand.  Plus, the start of each season, or hemi-season, features a Walking Dead marathon.  Crumby had no difficulty in catching up or viewing all the various episodes, fast forwarding when the going got dull or too annoying (Andrea talking).

Many may recall the Druids belief, You get what you deserve.  Druids, like all religious people, like to see their beliefs confirmed on TV.  Accordingly, Rick continues to get what he deserves for riding a horse he rustled into zombie town.  Goddess knows how that horse accrued sufficient bad karma to first, encounter Rick, then, thanks be to Rick, get eaten alive by wretched zombies.  Soon as Crumby espied that scene, Crumby surmised, aha.  Rick, you are fixing to suffer, suffer, suffer.  And Rick has suffered plenty.  But not enough. No.  Not even the big boy whipping he took off the governor entirely  pays Rick back.

Time is emit, spelled backwards.   Somewhere, sometime, a responsible party, perhaps an immortal,  may have emitted time.  For us, Earthlings, the only question is, does time travel in a straight line away from its point of origin, going that-a-way forever, or does it proceed in a circular pattern or ellipse, eventually intersecting its point of origin, again and again and again and again; at least four times. Mercy!

How many Walkers wear watches?  Like, possibly a Walker, yea verily, even in Georgia,  could be sporting a Patek Phillipe or a Rolex. But do the living ever check Walkers for valuable watches?  Not that Crumby has observed.  And remember, Crumby has watched every episode, carefully.  Every one.

What about Walkers’ pockets, fanny packs, sheaths or scabbards?  That’s right!  Walkers could be toting interesting or useful Swiss Army knives (SAKs).   A SAK, much like a watch, is useless to a non-tool using Walker.   But of great potential interest or utility to a living SAK collector.

Crumby’s point here is that Walkers (Michonne’s inventiveness aside) are an untapped resource.  Who knows, Walker may even be edible.   Has anybody tried Walker?  Walker may taste like chicken.  Or even eggplant. Plus, someday, the living need to quit scavenging, nut up, and start harvesting. Mmm!  Walker BBQ, southern style.  Simmered in vinegar. Tastes like pork!

Time passes slowly on The Walking Dead compared to viewer time.  Yet the actors age at the same rate as viewers, most notably, Karl.  Yes.  Karl has aged several years, real time,  in a few weeks, show time.  That’s why Rick’s Episode 4/9 pronouncement, “It’s for you.” freaked out or froze the blood of the Crumby Ovate.  Mercy!  Where’s this going?

Yes.  Alas, Karl’s pubescence is imminent if not passe.  But surely Michonne is not for Karl.  Too troubling on many levels. Rick needs to suffer even more for that remark.  More, more more!  You need to suffer more, Rick!

There it is again.  Rick used to be a low level government servant, underpaid.  under appreciated, doing his best to protect an ingrate public from itself.   Then, post apocalypse, Rick is saddled with a great many trials ans tribulations.  Crumby should feel empathy for Rick.  Just like Crumby should have felt empathy for the Walkers.  But no.  Suffer Rick, suffer!

Unlike ( would anybody really miss him) Karl, Daryl, mustache not withstanding,  may have missed out on pubescence, entirely.  Like maybe Carol was not Daryl’s type.  But Beth.  Whoa!  What kind of a real man would pass on Carol plus Beth?

Maybe though, just maybe, Daryl is like that famous son of Sir Lancelot, Galahad, who, through his even more famous father, was descended from the still more famous Jesus, pronounced Hey’sus. If Daryl is like Galahad, that would explain his seeming disinterest in the ladies.  Yes.  Daryl is operating on a higher level.  He is on a quest; a quest to do or find something.  Time may tell.


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