Saturday, September 10, 2005

2) No Accounts and Their Abilities

Today’s headline on the front page of what passes for the daily newspaper in these parts spells, Relief boss ousted. The story associated with the headline is authored by R.W. Stephenson and A.E. Kornblut , New York Times personnel. However, we are also directed to “See Command, A7, where we learn that Mr. Mike Brown has not been ousted after all, and will retain his job as agency director, of FEMA. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen will take over the hurricane relief management component of Mr. Brown’s responsibilities at FEMA, freeing up Mr. Brown to.......
Hmmmm. Get in some golf? (See, Ray’s Thought for the Day - All righty then - Sept. 4).

No accountability.

Then in the same iteration of the same daily newspaper on the editorial page, I, the LDR espied the strange commentary of Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post. Quoth the Krauthammer,

Let’s be clear. The author of this calamity was, first and foremost, Nature (or if you prefer, Nature’s God).

Hmmmm. Who would that god be? Perhaps Thor or Odin. It is so sad , poor lost pagans cut off from the Goddess. But above that and once more I, Quoth the Krauthammer,

This kind of stupidity merits no attention, whatsoever, but I’ll give it a paragraph.

Perhaps, like me, you, the Druidry in these parts, will find bemusement, enumerating the paragraph.

No accountability.

And spelling of no accountability we now arrive at Ray, hard at work revising the RGVECB plant list and not accountable for his thought. But I the LDR will tell you his thought because I, the LDR know just about everything. You see, Druids have accountability.

A short while back, as the Crumby Ovate has pointed out previously (on September 2, in the subtopic "If yer stupid, everything is unprecedented") Ray, or according to Ray, somebody else at the Cow Barn, was supposed to have presented information on Bush the sungod within the confines of the subtopic spelled on August 28, “Ray’s Assisted Etymologies for the Prezidink of these Yorenited States”. I, the LDR will now shore that task up and the shoring up of the task will serve for Ray’s Thought for the Day.

"Ray’s Assisted Etymologies for the Prezidink of These Yorenited States, Shored Up with Bushnoid as the Sungod."

They worship the man, like a god. Hmmm. Perhaps the Krauthammer quoth above meant to say that Bush is Nature’s God. That would make a modicum of sense.

But why do we here at RGVECB sometimes refer to Bush as a sungod? Easy that, he is a sungod, or more accurately, he is euhemerizing in that direction. Now, pay close attention.

Bush was selected to be the Prezidink of These Yorenited States, that’s a fact. And in that capacity as the selectee, he assumes responsibilities; to protect the land, to keep the people safe and happy, much in the fashion of the kings of yore. But his most important responsibility in the king selectee capacity, is to please the White Goddess. So that makes him, Bush, Her consort, after a fashion. And since She is the Goddess, he has to be in the god, ballpark. This is why, so many of us Americans, including perhaps the Krauthammer, worship the man, like a god. Whether Bush will ever achieve recognition as a fairly important sungod, like for example Jesus or Lugh, remains problematic. We, here at RGVECB, are skeptical on that subtopic, and have received signs from the Goddess that She is about, to switch him out.

Spelling of switching out, we are about due for a re-spelling of the Adventures of Bloduewedd. Maybe, Nancy could come over for that. Maybe we could have a party!

the LDR, for Ray


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