Saturday, February 09, 2008

Rayetta’s Birds, Woodpeckers, Class Aves

The CB has four species of woodpeckers, Class Aves, this time of year. They are red-bellied, ladder-backed, downy and yellow-bellied sapsucker. There should be more, like a flicker, but I have not espied any more lately. I have succeeded in taking electropictoids of the three of the four. The saspucker has eluded me.

This female ladder-backed is half of a pair that has nested in the very pecan it is fooling around in as depicted. This electropoid is not bad for hand held.

Another annoying aspect of taking bird (Class Aves) electropictoids is Crumby. By the way, it is Crumby who insists that every time I spell birds, I also spell Class Aves. That’s why I do it, to humor Crumby. I am not sure why he believes this methodology is universally important. But when I initially forgot to spell, Class Aves, after woodpeckers, above, Crumby got really upset. I mean like sulky on the verge of a tantrum upset.

Some ignoramus might read this, Rayetta, and surmise we have woodpeckers in general, not just woodpeckers in Class Aves. Where would we be then, Rayetta? I can just espy the police cars out front, the policemen, shotguns at the ready, searching high and low for woodpeckers, demanding entrance to the very CB domicile, so they could search inside. How would you like that, Rayetta?

This is an example of what I have to put up with. How can I possibly know what is going on inside Crumby’s noggin? Woodpeckers? Why would the police search the CB for woodpeckers not included in Class Aves? Are there any woodpeckers outside Class Aves, anyway? Sometimes I think Crumby is delusional.


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