A Big Change at the CB
Hello everybody. It’s me, Ray. Remember all those inner thigh chafing events I used to get afflicted with. Well. Those afflictions are in the past forever. That’s because I have permanently changed the type of undears I wear. That’s right. For 60 years I suffered from those inner thigh chafing events. But no more! No more walking the pastures of plenty bow legged. No more anointment ointment. If I need to ride a mule or pony, no problemo. There shall be peace down yonder fer me from now on.
You may know that inner thigh chafing events occur when the plastic situated in the legs of brief type undears rub your skin raw. Yet with boxers there is no leg plastic. So an average person can’t get rubbed the wrong way in boxers. Plus there is yet another advantage. Boxers can be worn outside in the yard. And unless the spies get close, or employ a type of optical assistance, those boxers can easily pass for shorts so long as the vent stays shut.
Like here we see an anonymous underwear model sporting about in Ray’s undears. Note that the tartan is the actual Pistrum tartan according to Ms. Maria Sanchez, the seamstress that sewed this particular pair up, down El Salvador way.
But now moving forward to current botanical events at the CB. The deer still have not eaten the paint brushes. Here are twain of those paint brushes uneaten. We were wondering if these would retain the lovely white plus red-pink bracts like the parents down in Matagorda County. Yepper, they do.
Boy howdy! We have a false marbleseed bonanza. Check out all these babies. This is but a tithe of all the babies. Praise the Goddess! We need to pot a bunch of these up.
You may know that inner thigh chafing events occur when the plastic situated in the legs of brief type undears rub your skin raw. Yet with boxers there is no leg plastic. So an average person can’t get rubbed the wrong way in boxers. Plus there is yet another advantage. Boxers can be worn outside in the yard. And unless the spies get close, or employ a type of optical assistance, those boxers can easily pass for shorts so long as the vent stays shut.

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