Polistes carolinus at Lunch
Normally when Polistes carolinus (pc) is present at a photographed gustatory event, the pc is the meal. That’s right, pcs are a favored treat for Mallaphora robber flies. The robber flies know the pcs nest in the clothesline poles. So the robber flies sit on the clothesline watching the pole hole. When an unwary wasp exits, the robber pounces. Green lynx spiders also eat up plenty of pcs.
But this time the table is turned, the shoe is on the other foot, the horse is a different color, the pot is called black, what’s good for the gander, etc. Yes. Here we see a pc chomping down on a black swallowtail caterpillar (bstc). Because the CB has tons of Apiaceae this year, the bstcs are going crazy. And for a long while, it seemed nothing would keep them from eating the Polytaenia down to the ground. Then suddenly, Crumby began to espy shriveled husks of bstcs. What was sucking them dry? Well, the pcs and possibly others. Yes. Druids believe in balance.
Here we see our pc finishing up its meal. This was the last in a series of six photographs recording a minute or two of time and space.

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