Coelioxys texana maybe

More Troubling Evidence
So what’s with all these Scottie generals. Huh-huh. It’s like, I’m Duncan McCloud of the Clan McCloud.
You know, there needs to be a rule, Keep your mouth shut, or lose your pension. That’s right. Shut it General Scottie or no more free greens privileges for you. Hoot man!
Huh-huh. Reckon how many generals Americano Land has pensioned off on the dole at this very nonce? Too many I betcha, and no damn good.
Off into the Wilderness, Again
Shocking as it may seem, Crumby actually left the CB for the second time this month, already. Good Goddess! As everyone knows, Crumby likes to stay home where he’s safe from interactions with Booblicans. Make no mistake, outstide the friendly confines of the CB, those Booblicans are the dominant life form in these parts. So it’s like if Crumby was still a Christian, he might reason, Walk not in the ways of the ungodly. Yet it’s the same difference now that Crumby practices Druidry. Only now it’s, Walk not in the ways of the ungoddessly.
Anyway, if Crumby could be guaranteed interesting encounters with a bug and a plant on every trip out into Booblican Austink, he might go out more often.

Crumby has noticed that plenty of average photographers like to specify the gear they used to take this or that picture. Why should Crumby be any different? OK E330and Sigma Bugma on the bug. E 330 and Oly 35mm macro on the flower.
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