Huh-huh. Aeshnidae, Gomphidae, Cordullidae and Libelluilidae are the four families of dragonflies that dwell in these parts. Of these families, only the Libelluids , with 17 species, are well-represented at the CB. Considering the Aeshnidae, the CB features only the green darner (
Anax junius) which apparently occurs everywhere. Yet yesterday, a new family representative turned up. Why it’s a feminine eastern ringtail (
Erpetogomphus designatus) of the Gomphidae. Never thought to espy a Gomphid at the high and dry CB. But that’s hurricane weather, fer ye.
Sadly, the CB lacks still a member of the Corduliidae, alas.
Do you have, Didymops?
No. We have Celthemis and Dythemis.
Do you have, Macromia?
No. We have Erythemis and Erythrodiplax.
Do you have Epitheca?
No. We have Libellula, Orthemis and Pachydiplax.
Do you have Neurocordulia?
No. We have Pantala, Perithemis, Sympetrum and Tramea.
Huh-huh. Druid mnemonics!
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