Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Politics of Rain

At this very nonce, the rain falls. Yesterday, the rain fell a lot. The CB got
3.5"s. That’s enough rain to hold us through July. But the rain falls still. Plus, the rain may fall for the rest of the week. Certainly, a few shall drown in flash floods. However, none of the drowning victims shall be Druids. So it’s OK if a few drown. Hey! It’s not like they didn’t get warned.

It’s the same with the right to bear arms. Many may feel like Der Bubberland is worse off now that we have plenty of right wing Catholics on the Supreme. Yes. Those Catholics are packed on the bench like sardines or maybe mackerels. Mercy! And furthermore, they are doing all sorts of typical Booblican favors for Big Business. That’s to be expected.

But look on the sunny side. Sometimes they make mistakes. After all, they are just lawyers, not infallible geniuses like pope what’s his name.

Yes. They made a mistake. Cause making sure everyone has guns is progressive. Why? Well. The ignorant and violent are the most likely to shoot each other and/or themselves. Which is actually good for civilization, but bad for big business.

Ha! They made a mistake.


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