Monday, July 12, 2010

This is Not Helping

At this nonce, after 6.6" of rain over the last twain weeks, the mosquitoes are bad. So bad, that the little secesh children can’t be chained up outside while the responsible adults get drunk. Why? Because those many mosquitoes can suck a tot dry in a minute or two. Then, the responsible party that left that unlucky baby or child unattended with nothing but mosquitoes for company, shall be convicted of that terrible neglectful crime, allowing a child to be sucked dry, and subsequently sent off to the penitentiary. Leaving that toddler with the mosquitoes is just like if you left it in a hot car or discarded ice box or church while you went off to gamble or whore. It’s the same difference.

Why even the elderly can be sucked dry in a matter of minutes. That’s why Crumby is wary of going out tonight for a session of average amateur astronomy. What’s the point? The clouds of mosquitoes block the star shine.

So with all the mosquitoes going crazy, the dragonflies have hopped it to the CB. The dragonflies are helping Crumby out. Yum, yum eat ‘em up. Mighty fine! Except, now the dern robber flies are getting the dragon flies. Jeez Louise! Leave my dragonflies alone you worthless dang, big, old, dern fly. Crumby is not fixing to put up with this kind of behavior.

Promachus hinei sucking on Tramea onusta.

Error: This robber fly is P. hinei, not painteri.


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