Sunday, August 29, 2010

Take Back America!

How far? Where to?

Well. Crumby is nearly 63 and can’t remember a time when America didn’t belong to the ruling class. Yet these days, the ruling class has it better than ever. Yes. The ruling class enjoys the lowest taxes of Crumby’s lifetime. The ruling class has global options for parking or laundering its vast hoards of money or capital. The ruling class has almost limitless access to cheap or free labor. The ruling class has the best military-industrial complex Crumby’s taxes can buy, securing its overseas investments. Why hellfire, the ruling class even has Paris Hilton and George W.

So where do we need to take America back to? When was that mythical time when the ruling class shared a little of all that wealth or surplus value with the ignorant white trash?

Oh dang! Crumby forgot. It’s not a share of capital we need to take back. It’s shared values, feelings and emotions. We need to go back to those good old times when all the white people shared common values, feelings and emotions with the rulers.

Yes. There was a time when the rulers cared about white America. But then the white trash started acting mean to the rulers. Yes. The white trash grew greedy, demanding more and more from the rulers. Until finally, the rulers said, enough is enough. We shall abandon our values, feelings and emotions that we share in common with the white trash. Plus, we shall move most of our capital offshore. Yes. We shall move offshore, instead, sharing our values, feelings and emotions with foreign coolies that may appreciate their rulers.

Boo hoo hoo! Waaaaaaaaah! The rulers have practically left us in an emotional vacuum or maybe dogfight. It's like they took a pencil. What did they do with that pencil? They poked us in the eye. That's right, in the eye. Then they twisted the pencil around and around until the pencil had a good grip on the innards of the eyeball. Then what did they do. They yanked that eyeball, stuck to the pencil, right on out of its socket or orifice.

OK. The pencil and eyeball are like a metaphor for values, feelings and emotions lost when the ruling class stopped sharing. Yet how can the white trash stop the ruling class from poking us in the eyeball with a pencil, and alternatively, resume sharing values, feelings and emotions with us?

It's like we need a unifying like maybe TV show that everyone will watch and agree upon. Yes. We need an inspiring TV show. We need an inspiring TV show that is so great or swell, it can substitute for access to capital. Hold it! Not just a mere TV show. We need an entire network!


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