Crazy Times, Crazy!
Course, some might reason that for the crazy, all times are crazy times.
At the CB, on the other hand, the population of adult Polistes exclamans has reached maybe a tousand or perhaps two tousand individuals. On the front porch alone, maybe a tousand or more, sport about or rest leisurely.
Move slowly. Move deliberately. No loud hollering or wild gesticulating. Wear plenty of loose fitting, dull colored garments. Wear a hat. Or, go out through the garage.
There Crumby was, fixing to get some mighty good pictures of this particular caterpillar. Suddenly, a Polistes exclamans flew out of nowhere and attacked this caterpillar. The both of them, caterpillar and wasp, tumbled into the tall grass beneath the caterpillar’s perch on the prairie agalinis.
Crumby nosed around for the twain of them, but after a short while, only the wasp emerged. The wasp flew off. Maybe it had a mouthful of caterpillar. Maybe not.
Turns out, this portrait depicts part of a common buckeye caterpillar. It’s the only picture Crumby could get, thanks be to that dern wasp. Yet the dang wasps need to watch out too. They better watch out for Fatty. She got one of the Polistes exclamans yesterday. It’s a photo documented fact. Yet considering the vast numbers of the wasp species, Polistes exclamans, it’s a wonder she hasn’t et many more of them.
Consider this too. The CB has been pecan webworm free this year, entirely. Maybe it’s all due to the wasps. Yes. Those wasps may have eaten up all the webworms before they could get going.
Meantime, the CB may be enjoying a plague of grasshoppers. Yes indeedy do. The famous migratory grasshopper (Melanoplus sanguinipes), that dreadful devourer of like a jillion Mormon pioneer babies, has descended, plague like, on the CB maybe. Maybe, just assuming Crumby has identified the grasshopper species we are presently discussing, correctly.
Yes. This could be the very grasshopper that has gorged itself upon unattended Mormon toddlers from coast to coast. Why does it feast on Mormon babies only, eschewing the tots of other faiths? Nobody knows. Where are the seagulls when we really need them? Nobody knows.
At the CB, on the other hand, the population of adult Polistes exclamans has reached maybe a tousand or perhaps two tousand individuals. On the front porch alone, maybe a tousand or more, sport about or rest leisurely.
Move slowly. Move deliberately. No loud hollering or wild gesticulating. Wear plenty of loose fitting, dull colored garments. Wear a hat. Or, go out through the garage.

Crumby nosed around for the twain of them, but after a short while, only the wasp emerged. The wasp flew off. Maybe it had a mouthful of caterpillar. Maybe not.
Turns out, this portrait depicts part of a common buckeye caterpillar. It’s the only picture Crumby could get, thanks be to that dern wasp. Yet the dang wasps need to watch out too. They better watch out for Fatty. She got one of the Polistes exclamans yesterday. It’s a photo documented fact. Yet considering the vast numbers of the wasp species, Polistes exclamans, it’s a wonder she hasn’t et many more of them.
Consider this too. The CB has been pecan webworm free this year, entirely. Maybe it’s all due to the wasps. Yes. Those wasps may have eaten up all the webworms before they could get going.

Yes. This could be the very grasshopper that has gorged itself upon unattended Mormon toddlers from coast to coast. Why does it feast on Mormon babies only, eschewing the tots of other faiths? Nobody knows. Where are the seagulls when we really need them? Nobody knows.
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