Thursday, December 02, 2010

Crumby Tries an Experiment

These here scale insects were photographed September of 2009. The plant is probably tall goldenrod. Crumby has not noted these particular scales since. Matter of fact, DY 5, or 2010 if you prefer, has been a poor year for scale insects.

But the point is, Crumby has cropped and resized the image so that it is here presented at 560 pixels at its widest. Can we espy anything of the subject vermin?

Yes we can. So there is hope that they could also be fairly espied on another yet similar venue.

Crumby believes that the white tubes depicted are part and parcel of the lifestyle of these particular scales. But Crumby did not spend a lot of time watching the scales. He could be wrong, again.

Yes. It's true. A 63 year old has had plenty of opportunity for error, misdeed, misadventure, wickedness and sin. For example, an innocent person would have stuck with those scales for hours, maybe days, attently watching every move they, er, made. Yes. An innocent person would have documented those scales actually entombing themselves in those either cottony or waxy tubes. But not Crumby. Crumby allowed sin to intervene. So he's not sure where those tubes came from and only has an opinion.

All righty then. Here's another one; same methodology. This one's a long horned bee. Can we espy the wing venation?


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