Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fly Drowns Sorrows in Neilmed Squirt Bottle

Many may notice at this very nonce in these parts, that the few insects around are liable to come in the house. That’s because they may know they will freeze to death if they stay outside all night. So Crumby was not surprised when a big bluebottle (Calliphora sp.) took up residence in the Parlor of the Goddess. Yet Crumby was surprised this morning as Crumby was fixing to deploy his Neilmed sinus rinse bottle, nasal wise. Yes. Crumby had just poured the microwaved H20 into his Neilmed bottle when he noticed that the bluebottle was also in the squeeze bottle. Good thing Crumby noticed. That size fly could easily, jet propelled by the squeeze bottle, get lodged in a nasal passage or sinus. Then, it would be back to the nasal surgeon. Mercy!

Mr. Ovate it appears from the x-rays you have a large bluebottle lodged in your occipital sinus. That fly must come out.

Boo-hoo-hoo. An caint afford it. Maybe he’ll come out of his own accord? Let’s give him some time.

Anyway. Stupidly, Crumby didn’t get a documentation photo of the bluetail fly before it went in the Neilmed bottle. How dumb is that? Course all Crumby did to that fly was pour it down the drain, thus wasting an entire cup of warm Neilmed water. So perhaps the fly shall reappear out the sink drain anon. Then maybe it can have its picture took after all. Who knows?


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