Sunday, August 26, 2012

Crumby Lives

OK.  Apparently, Crumby is not fixing to die as a result of his recent quadruple bypass and weeklong torture plus sleep deprivation session.  So maybe, Goddess willing,  we can get back to normal around these parts. 

Already, Crumby has gotten to ride his bicycle thrice.  What a relief that was, to get back in the saddle.

As compared to having your sternum split down the middle.  Yes.  The medical monopoly for a bypass does you like a pulley bone.  Mercy!  Then, you have to rest up after that because you could pulley bone yourself  again if you are not careful.  Like you could pull the staples out.  Maybe, for example. by fixing to start the lawnmower.  Crumby bets many who have had the pulley bone surgery needed to mow the grass as soon as they got home.  Then, fixing to start the lawnmower, those staples got ripped loose.  For Goddess sakes! 

So Crumby is visiting with the surgeon.  All of a sudden the surgeon relates how this fairly young lady got pulley boned by her husband.  They were unloading groceries and the husband tossed her a water melon.  Pulley boned dudette!   It's back to the medical monopoly torture chamber for you.

Hold it.  This story just about has to be allegorical.  You know, like she swallowed a water melon. 


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