Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Wicked Crumby Confesses

All right.  Since I am probably fixing to bloat in the sun like a deceased fish pretty soon, or anon, I need to get one or two fairly recent sins off my bosoms.  Like many may recall how I fixed my Seiko kinetic watch (5M42A) via the expedient of putting in a new capacitor.  Then, in my pride,  I bragged about it. 

But then also, two or three months later, that dern, stinking, Jap watch quit working again.  Yet did I fess up in  a public venue that my Rising Sun Seiko had quit again.  No.  Course I didn't.  I kept quiet like a sneaking, lying rat of a Booblican sinner, whore of Babylon.  Thus, probably multitudes figured my dang watch was still telling time.  Probably many rushed out to purchase those capacitors, thinking to themselves, those particular capacitors are the cure all for my slacker of a miserable Jap watch.

Well.  That all transpired many moons ago.  Like last year.  So today I am fooling around with that stinking watch again, espying it under the microscope, because that's the kind of bs the near dead can handle.  Hey!  The wires on that dern, stinking coil aint right.  A wire be cut and that coil is haywire.  Dang son-of-a-itchba or biscuit eater.

So the dern stinking Seiko quit again on account of one of its coils got its wire cut.  Possibly, the wire got cut when the rotor fell off due to its screw coming loose.  But who knows.  Maybe the Angel Moroni knows. 

Now, the only way to fix it, is to get a new coil off another similar Seiko (Okies spelled backasswards).  Not easy.  Mercy!  How many watches does the WG allow in the afterlife or life as we know it not?

The other sin, another sin of omission, I need to confess is, my plastic jug, butterfly feeder, killed a great many butterflies.  That's right.  And what is truly pitiful, ignorant and wicked, I made that jug just like what some nitwit Booblican would.  Yes.  I already knew butterflies are too dumb to savy opaque, white plastic.  I already knew this sad fact because of my personal experience with greenhouses covered in said plastic.  The butterflies are too dumb.  They fly in, but they don't fly out.  Mercy!

Yet, I constructed the plastic jug feeders with only the front half of the jug cut away.  Then, when the stupid butterflies wanted out, they would fly up, into the plastic instead of out the enormous hole provided, and beat their silly brains out. 

You know.  I actually think the WG may forgive this sin.  I mean, how can those butterflies be that stupid?  For Goddess Sakes and even Jeez Louise!

OK.  I feel better now, having publicly confessed to much of
my recent wickedness.

Yours truly,



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