Monday, November 12, 2012

The Armadillo to F1

Yepper.  Austink has moved right along in terms of progress.  The Armadillo WHQ is a distant memory while Formula 1 car racing is brand spanking new.  That's progress! 

Yepper.  The F1 racetrack is a good fit for the new Austink.  Like everyone is palpitating with excitement.  For example, the falangist leaning daily newspaper runs an F1 article on the front page almost every day.   Whew.  One day we read that F1 racing came to Austink against all odds.  Yepper.   If not for rigged public financing, the timely intervention of a few billionaires, the backing of the Chamber of Commerce,  a sleazy City Hall, and the non stop whooping of the falangist daily itself, the Formula 1 races would be firing up somewhere else.  But not here.

Yet now that we are guaranteed automobile racing on the east side, the falangist daily is busy enumerating all the negative stuff that might potentially detract from the race goers enjoyment.  First, some south Austin neighborhood associations whined about helicopter pads set up in residential areas to haul  race goers to the track.   Airborn!!!!  Then the bus drivers, who are set to haul the leftovers from the helicopter rides, threatened to strike.  And now, there is a slight chance of rain possibly co-occurring with the race prelims.  Mercy.


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