Monday, January 07, 2013

Crumby's Big Ass Year - Week Uno

Fer heaven's sake!  Crumby's first week of his Big Year is practically over.  And sadly,  Crumby won't get any more birds this week unless an owl or two hoots or whinnies in the yard tonight or some avian oddity flutters onto the CB pre-sundown.  Which means,  if those events fail  to transpire, Crumby will have identified 79 species during week one of his Big Ass Year

Briefly summing up, the first feathered friend Crumby identified on Jan. 1 was a Carolina chickadee in the back yard.  The last species Crumby identified today, Jan. 7,  was vesper sparrows on Platt Lane. 

By the way.  Almost every birder must agree that Big Ass Year is way more cool than just lame-o Big Year.  Crumby's having a Big Ass Year!   Ha! 

One of the avian hoards Crumby espied today is a buff-bellied hummingbird.    That's because when Crumby arrived at the recently established gated terminus of Platt Lane which formerly continued to the ponds, but no longer does,  and Crumby got out to continue afoot, he quickly realized someone had hung  a hummer feeder up on the side of the road.  Whut the Hades is that doing out here?  Then on the way back Crumby espied a big green hummingbird elbowing the ranks of honeybees out of the way to get at the feeder. 

Wow.  Which came first, the buff belly or the feeder? 

Yet to come out victorious in a Big Ass Year competition, an average birder like Crumby must take advantage of those particular strange situations or events we are now discussing such as the mysterious appearance of a hummingbird feeder seeminingly in the middle of nowhere.  Yes.  Espying that hummer in these parts might well spare Crumby a desperation trip to southerly parts next December. 

Yahoo!  Big Ass Year!


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