Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winter Solstice Blues

Tomorrrow is Winter Solstice (WS) which Druids celebrate as the shortest day of the year on Planet Earth in these parts of Planet Earth.    Yes.  The stygian darkness shall prevail, or would if the multitude of night lights went out.  Actually, the night lights may go out.  Because yet another dry norther is blowing outside.  Sometimes the northers knock out the electricity which runs the lights.  Regardless though,  Ogma Sunface shall shine less than half of 24 hours tomorrow.  That's a fact.

The reduced amount of sunshine in these parts indicates dangerously low levels of  Vitamin D within certain segments of the human population.   (You know who you are!)  So the Druids remind everyone of the Vitamin D shortage around WS Day as a public service, attempting to forestall even more outbreaks of murder, cannibalism and incest.  Yes.  Folks, take your vitamin pills if you know what's good fer ye.

But even more troubling than the annual Vitamin D shortage is the so-called drought.  Once again , the rain has completely ceased in these parts.  How can we survive without rain?  Well, maybe the engineers shall dig ditches all the way to the mighty Mississippi.  Maybe we can get some water that way.  Or maybe the ruling class shall show pity.  Yes.  That shall happen.  The idle rich shall truck in bottled water for the multitudes.  Regardless!  One things certain though,  the rivers in these parts are fixing to run dry.  Mercy!

So, all in all,  prospects for peace and prosperity, here in Austink, the Capitol of the Repooblick, are bleak.  And even arming the school marms may not help.  Hold it!  Mercy!  Are we fixing to arm all the teachers, or just the strongest and wisest teachers; the coaches?  Or maybe the counselors  are the portion of the faculty that needs the guns and ammo.  Yes.  That's it.  Gun toting would actually provide the counselors with something to do. 

Oh well.  Barbarism may be inevitable.  Yes.  Barbarism is a level of civilization that everyone, even in the Repooblick, can handle, intellectually. 

To change the subject.  Right about when the rain stopped entirely, the CB was visited by common grackles.  Ray took this peekture of a young one.


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