Friday, April 05, 2013

The Big Ass Year Dawdles

The Big Ass Year speeded up for a while (see below).  Yet now, the Big Ass Year is setting a pace that may have it getting caught and surpassed by the Julian calendar year.  Here's Crumby's reasoning.  So far, Crumby has espied maybe 120 member species of Class Aves for this calendar year.  So far, Planet Earth has spent about 95 days on its current yet repetitive jaunt around Ogma.  Therefore, Crumby needs to keep the Big Ass Year number ahead of the calendar day count number.  If he can't even do that, then his Big Ass Year may not seem so Big Ass

The latest Big Ass Year misadventure had Crumby braving the elements at Stinky I mean Hornsby Bend.  Crumby was hoping for some snore, I mean shorebirds besides pectoral, lesser, western, spotted, snipe, Am. golden plover, killdeer; which are already on the Big Ass Year list.  But of course he didn't espy any new ones.  None. Nada.

So the time would have been a total loss, resulting only in human fecal matter getting whipped into  Crumby's lungs by the relentless west wind, were it not for three sea gulls.  Here is one of those seagulls depicted as photographed through the windshield a fer piece off.   Documentation photography nearing its nadir. Franklin's gull.  Yes.  This one is fixing to head north.  It shall rescue the Mormon's from the grasshoppers again. 


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