Thursday, March 14, 2013

Panicstarrs, I mean Panstarrs

For twain evenings in succession, the 12th and 13th, Crumby and Ray have been out in force fixing to view the dopey Comet Panstarrs.  Well.  So far, we espied it both evenings, yet we failed to get a picture.  That's because the particular comet we are now discussing is about 4 mag in mega-light polluted Stinky Valley, and consequently invisible to the naked or nude eye.  Thus, while we may espy it with 10x42 bins and of course the teles,  we have not been able to get it on a camera lcd. 

Yes.  This comet is dim.  But inadequate equipment is also messing with us.  Like our camera tripod is inadequate for tracking an invisible object when burdened with the 60d and 40mm 5.6.   Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy!  Plus, while we were desperately fixing to rig up the camera on the telescope, some asshole loosed pet dogs on us and then began shining a flashlight on us, we guess to better espy the damage those dogs were accomplishing.

Are you happy now, asshole?  Now that your moron Labrador slobbered all over the C-5060 wide-zoom.

Yet the tele tripod is plenty stable and the invisible comet is trackable with the small Lomo, but when we go to attach the camera to the ep in the tele, we lose the comet and can't find it again before it goes behind a house's roof.  Mercy!  There's not much time as that comet drops plenty fast. 

Dang!  We shall persist.  But only because a wag on Cloudy Nights dubbed this particular comet, Pornstars. We got to get a peekture of Comet Pornstars.


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