Friday, June 21, 2013

Another Summer Solstice Past

A tiny planet that many call, Earth, hustles along through space.  Yesterday, out in space, Earth, made it half way around its regular orbit of the Sun, that some call Ogma Sunface.  Meantime, back on Earth, humans count days past with a view to days to come.  Earth swoops through space, humans, accordingly,  count days.  How odd is that?

Earth only has a few more days to go on its trip before, here on Earth, Le Tour de France commences.  On the same day that ignoble race begins, many shall become eligible for Social Security.  While many other have to wait various days for that inaugural check that sadly, may never arrive.  

Yes.  You may not get your inaugural Social Security check, ever.  Why?  Well, the Amerikano Police State would rather increase the size of the Police State, than pay the Social Security.  It's like catching Mexicans fixing to sneak in to do an honest days work is more important than Social Security.  Mercy!


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