Saturday, April 27, 2013

Big Ass Year - The Julian Takes a Big Boy Whoopin'

Crumby was fixing to fret that his Big Ass Year  was fixing to get overtook by the dang number of calendar days.   Yes.  It was time for a man of action like Crumby to do something.  So Crumby headed out for the Anahuac Peninsula.  That's right.  The same Anahuac Peninsula featured in the inspirational yet totally dumbass movie, The Big Year, is where Crumby headed with a view to fluffing up his Big Ass Year list. 

Well.  Crumby's plan worked fairly well.  Not only did Crumby' s Big Ass Year list get plumped or fluffed up, Crumby actually espied lifers.  Like two lifers.  These were the black-billed cuckoo and the gray-cheeked thrush which Crumby never espied in his early days as a lister/chaser motivated  nitwit.  Plus, Crumby got peektures.

However, due to our license agrrements with a bunch of irresponsible parties,  we can't show those peektures.  But we can show this red knot, another  peekture from the Anahuac Peninsula ornithological adventure or emergency.  Red knot.

So the embarrasement of having the calendar days surpass the number of birds espied on Crumby's Big Ass Year is averted for a good while.  Yes.  We went from 144 to 214 over the course of a 3 day trip including all the miserable driving to and fro.   Mercy!  There was a stalled vehicle on Eldridge and I-10,  Houstink.  Mercy!  Crumby worked on the EIS for that abomination, too.  Mercy!


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