Monday, July 14, 2014

Important Goal Reached

Some struggle all their miserable lives, never reaching any goals.  Not so Crumby.  Like Crumby has already met his important goal of receiving a Social Security check.  He achieved that goal a while back.  No what that means?  Ha!  In  the interim since the first check, those checks have just kept on coming.  Ha!

Yet today Crumby is celebrating the arrival of the final tool needed to complete his Wenger sak tool collection.  Yes.  Crumby now possesses or hoards a telescoping pointer tool housed in a Wenger Manager.  So now Crumby has all the Wenger tools consistent with the Crumby Ovate Sak Tool Collection Guidelines (COSTCG).  Ah!

The Wenger Manager is an 85mm knife weighing 130g.  Among the tools contributing to the bulk is the almost useless Wenger magnifying glass.  The featured telescoping pointer is 270mm long when fully aroused.


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