Thursday, October 16, 2014

Quiscalus quiscula

Crumby considers a common grackle invasion to be about the most exciting Class Aves event ever.  And yes, the CB was invaded by common grackles from about 8-11:20 AM this morning.  They stripped all the acorns off the live oaks.  They whooped and hollered.  Then all 300-400 flew off to the east.  Gone!

The thing is, common grackle invasions are rare events at the CB, happening at 3-4 year intervals.  Plus, while cool all to themselves, they usually herald additional noteworthy Class Aves events.  Like maybe a two-lane  buttscratcher is fixing to turn up in the backyard for a new county record.  Something like that!

one of today's common grackles

Hold the presses!  The common grackles are back again this morning.  Perhaps Ray can get a better picture.


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