Thursday, November 10, 2016

Surviving the Nazi Apocalypse, Maybe

A swell attribute of older age is feeling like you may get along OK even when events turn the whole semi-civilized world dour in the short term, cause heck, you have hoarded plenty of cash and cash equivalents, allowing you to survive that dour downturn until you die.  On the other hand, you may inhabit a scum-sucking shit hole where weed is illegal, thus making any justification for survival, ambiguous.

Dan Rather is senile or maybe brain damaged.  He is certainly retarded.  Yes.  There Dan Rather was,  on MSNBC TV, blathering on, whooping up the fundamental goodness of the American people. Yes.  The American people are peace loving and good.  Surely they are.  Except, for practically all Ray's life,  (Crumby's in a coma) ,  the American people have supported a US government that has systematically waged war in favor of nazis, fascists, oligarchs and every right wing scum in the book.  When has the US, in the last 50 years, ever supported a progressive movement abroad?  Mercy!

So now we have a new president elect who appears to be an actual fascist, from the personality cult perspective anyway.  Possibly, he is not much  interested in the complexities of socio-eonomic fascism.  And this new leader of the free world was elected by, guess who, the peace-loving American people, of course.  Goodness!

Honestly though, maybe the peace-loving American electorate did, this time, opt for a relatively peaceful candidate. After all, President elect Trump feels like persecuting foreigners here, rather than afflicting them abroad.  Afflicting them abroad!  Yes.  America welcomed the multitudes of foreigners unsettled by our imperialist adventures abroad.  Until now.

Actually, Ray feels like the imperialist bosses of America are fixing to give the President Erect, I mean Elect, a talking to.  Yes.  They shall carefully explain just how important imperialism is to freedom loving Americans. Then, a while later, off the spies and troops shall embark again, fixing to afflict more actual foreigners, destroying their governments, wrecking their infrastructure.  Yes.  The bosses shall explain.  But Ray feels like or bets that the bosses will need to spend more time explaining about imperialism to Mr. Trump, than they would have had to with Mrs. Clinton.

Yes.  Soon things will be back to normal in the imperialism department.  But what's fixing to happen to all the foreigners from the various newly destabilized countries that would normally come to America?  Given that the foreigners already here are fixing to get persecuted, deported, encamped, or what not.  Very confusing!


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