Monday, June 04, 2018

More Dragonflies in Flight

Crumby feels like photographing dragonflies is a good hobby for an elderly cripple possessed of a nervous disposition.  Yet photographing dragonflies in flight makes the hobby even better. Because photographing a dragonfly in flight is like riding a bicycle downhill.  It feels like you're getting something for free.

In Crumby's limited experience comet darners don't hoover much.  What they do, do is fly around really long and not apparently predictable patrol routes while disappearing from view for long intervals. So today, early, Crumby prayed to Lord Hoover, also known by Dr. Hoover,  President Hoover, Herbert; the same immortal that had a mammal, the hoover hog, named after him.  Crumby's semi-earnest prayers must have done plenty of good.  Because this particular comet darner actually hoovered nearby a time or two.

Also, the four-striped leaftails seem to be flying and hardly ever sitting these days.  Luckily, they are slow and steady aviators. 


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