Sunday, July 24, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day - I 24, ‘05

Today we are all going to work on plants. There are a number of very abused specimens that need keying if they are still susceptible to being keyed in the shape they are in. Also the Ambrosia psilostachya, persisting as a component of short and mid-grass areas needs to be mowed or it will take the place over. Several other areas need to be mowed to retain a short grass aspect.

Ambrosia psilostacya, known to some as Ambrosia cumanensis, and to a tiny minority of the vulgar and ignorant as western ragweed, is a very common, one might even say abundant, warm season perennial weed of these parts. It causes allergic reactions among the susceptible (me) and is also probably allelopathic to some other plants.

Two other ragweeds are common in these parts. One of these, Ambrosia trifida, can get 10-12 feet tall in a good year. For this reason, the Druidry in these parts have suggested the name Ambosia chernobylensis, fer it. You can stain yerself red with the sap too. The other is an annual one Ambosia artemisifolia which is mainly interesting for its similarity to A. psilostachya making the both of them prone to misidentification in reports. Hint: A. psilostachya has rhizomes.

All the ragweeds in these parts are agreeable to a little disturbance and since there is generally plenty of that going on in these parts, they are another boon to the allergy doctors.

Whoa! I'm havin another thought. What if my significant plant calendar I'm in the process of developin emphasized plants of importance to the nasally impaired?


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