Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Red's Good Vs. Evil Cow Barn Evangelical Review and, Summary

subtopic, subtopic - Uh, what do you mean some of it's new information.

#3 and #7. I don't think we've spelled those out yet.

Sure we have.

I don't think so, Ray! #3 is practically all new and we have only mentioned sun gods en passant, as if everyone knows what sun gods are, when I can assure you that in fact, only a very few of us know what they are.

Oops. Too late now. We can repeat them, #3 and #7, anon, in the main topic and that will be the same difference.

Oh yes Ray. We can always just repeat, anon, the "brand new information" that you have just provided in the "review and summary" and that will be "the same difference". You know what you are Ray?

No, what?

An idiot.

No I'm not. We could change the title of this subtopic to review and foretelling and that would be the same difference.

The same difference as what?

I can't remember.

Ray, what you were supposed to do was spell just what had been spelled in the topic previously so people could check and see if they had missed anything. Now some of them may go hunting for all those details you put in #3 and #7 and not find them and think you are a liar.

No they won't, because I didn't lie, I just forgot. They'll understand.

Ray. How could you forget what wasn't in the topic yet?

I have been foretelling it Rayetta. That's how I forgot.

You know Ray, I'm giving you the benefit of a doubt on this, because I really do think you're an idiot.

Thanks Twink.

Red's Good Vs. Evil Cow Barn Evangelical Review and, Summary of Everything Spelled so far Except #3 and #7, Maybe

1) Lying is a really bad sin, for Druids. This is because Druids are really good at spotting lies and will do pay back. So it is very important, to keep the peace, that we not lie to each other.

From now on, exceptionally noteworthy lies that come to our attention may be satirized under the subtopic "Troublin Thoughts, Troublin Evidence."

2) Gluttony is a really bad sin, for Druids. This is because Druids are really good at spotting gluttony, and will do payback. So it is important, to keep the peace, that we not be gluttons.

To satirize the sin of gluttony, a new subtopic, "Shoat Bloat" is foretold.

3) The White Goddess, for Druids is not an abstraction. She is a real person. We know what She looks like because we have seen her in dream and vision, and walking around in this world. Of Her Druids, She requires no "leap of faith". Oddly, it seems that we Druids are not the only ones that see Her.

4) We honor the White Goddess, for we are Her little wonders, together with all the other little wonders She has given us to play with and learn about and avoid the sin of gluttony with respect to.

5) We honor the White Goddess for the Cosmoology, which for the Druids maybe, remains an unsolved riddle.

6) We really like Her totems and find that stories about them are very interesting and amusing and make us feel safe and happy or sad and brave. Sometimes though, the stories we tell about Her, are a little scary, maybe.

7) We really like Her sun gods too, and find that stories about them are very amusing and interesting and make us feel safe and happy or sad and brave, or maybe just annoyed.


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