Friday, September 23, 2005

The Adventures of Blodeuwedd cont.

"I suspect that lion cap will not be seen again in these parts", remarked Blodeuwedd as She gathered the reins and the chariot bounced to a halt. "Now, I must check up on darling Lleu the Loquacious and see if I can not send him back where he came from, while I, Blodeuwedd proceed in the opposite direction."

"Oh goodness gracious Llew, thou hast took a bad spill and methinks thou hast somewhat awrong with thy legs, maybe."


"Now hold still. Dost hurt when I pull on this leg thusly?"


"Let Me check this one also, similarly?"


"As you can easily see and hear, King Lleu, is in no fit condition for a charioteer or to continue afoot", Blodeuwedd explained to the now assembled chariot wedding party that had reined up round and about the stricken Lleu. "I suggest that we strap King Lleu upon a horse or perhaps a pony, and he be escorted rearward unto the Castle Math, where no doubt, the Druidry of those parts can somewhat amend these afflictions so lately inflicted upon my unwary husband by that Owl. I, Blodeuwedd on the other hand, will proceed apace, to set Our kingdom aright." And so Queenly was the foretelling of Blodeuwedd that the assembled company did as they were bade and departed northward with the unlucky Lleu strapped on a pony, but Blodeuwedd headed south.

Blodeuwedd set out upon the road again to Castle Dinoding, happily blessing all the little wonders and Cymry She met along the way for She was in a good humor at the departure of the annoying Lleu. All the little wonders and Cymry that met Her that day, met Her good side, and profited each in its own way, thereby. And this mood continued upon Blodeuwedd for the Castle Dinoding upon Her arrival, proved a pleasant and pretty castle set in nice location, and after some spiffing up, proved downright Oklahomey. And Blodeuwedd went out among the little wonders and Cymry and blessed all these after their own fashion and had them all up to the castle fer a party and a Dolmen er two, and everyone was safe and happy all this time.

Many moons passed in this fashion but one day in the brightness of the sun (and very hot) a herald arrived, sent by Lleu, heralding "Lleu Llaw Guffes, the Lion of the Steady Hand approacheth to the Castle Dinoding, anon."

"My goodness gracious sakes alive, who or what is that?" exclaimed a forgetful Blodeuwedd.


to be continued

by Nancy, the Goddess of Practical Jokes


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