Shazam! More Telescope Tomfoolery!
Whoa! The 30mm and 40mm plossls being vended currently at are outstanding. We just received ourn and checked them out. The lenses on the both of em are recessed hardly at all which is precisely what we required. The lens on the 40mm is huge. Too huge, in fact, fer the dern camera adapter. It must be the biggest dang lens on any 1.25" eyepiece ever made. We got to get a camera ring, fer it. And the views are really nice. We like em fer grackle watchin'.
The picture off to the east here gives ye some idea why many say I, Ray will never amount to much. I become fixated on the derndist things. Depicted in this fixation are two alleged 40mm plossl eps. We got the one on the right today. Can you appreciate the difference in the sizes of the two lenses? Also, the one on the left has its lens recessed about 14mm whereas the one on the right is recessed about 1.5mm. And, you maybe see the way more extensive green eye shadow on the one on the left, whereas the one on the right doesn't have much of any, green eyeshadow. Yet they are the same difference allegedly, both 40mm plossl eps.
Now, if only them rubber telescope shoes would cure. They're still stinky.
Now, if only them rubber telescope shoes would cure. They're still stinky.
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