Monday, June 12, 2006

Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Practice

"Now I will explain how two persons, hit by the same bombs, can have different injuries." Honest to Goddess, I just heard some army dude-spokesperson spell that on the TV. Surely those that stay tuned for the explanation shall have the skin burnt off 'em slowly by the Wicker Man, Praise the Goddess.

But working backwards to the east pasture we find myself, Crumby the Ovate, practicing the methodology pre-described in earlier recent passages of this electric tome. The methodology worked Okie Dokie for Mu Bootes, Zeta Corona Borealis, Sigma Corona Borealis and 1835 Bootes. It also semi-worked on an extra double near Zeta CrB, that I first thought was Zeta CrB.

The methodolgy continued working along on Zeta Bootes, but that's where the trouble started. It was a windy night with a full moon, neither fact of nature conducive to splitting tight doubles which Zeta Bootes is, tight, 0.8 arc seconds. I tried everything in my ep arsenal, but to no avail, always wondering if the methodology had failed, and this was not Zeta Bootes, but an impostor. I checked and re-checked the methodology, but it held up like a good methodology should. I used all the ep arsenal again. Hours I spent, but the star would not split. Although once, at about 375x, it got very close to splitting for a nanosecond. But see, the point is, I wasted all my time on that one due to stubborness. So when I finally gave up, hours had passed and there was not enough time left, it turned out, to employ the methodogy on 1785 Bootes because that one submerged itself in the pecan orchard, which event, the methodolgy does not address.

Moving forwards I let myself get aggravated. Not seriously aggravated because, I'm supposed to be having fun, right, but aggravated enough that I started fooling around. So I got the telescopery headed to the NE as the hour approached 4 AM. But I wasn't paying close attention and I mistook the constellation Cassiopeia for the constellation Cepheus. Ha! You may think. That Crumby is an idiot. How could anyone but an idiot do that?

After awhile of employing the methodology, I sleepily decided that K Cassiopeia was Beta Cepheus, the one I wanted to espy. So I tried to split K Cassiopeia, but it would not split any more than Sigma Bootes, would split. Dang it, I hollered, something aint right in the east pasture. So I checked on some data I had in the CB domicile and sure enough the twain doublets of Beta Cepheus are listed at a whopping 16.3 arc seconds apart. Wrong star Crumby, wrong constellation too.

I can draw lots of analogies from this adventure in telescopery, but so what.


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