Monday, July 24, 2006

Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes

Up I leapt from the safety of the Ample Bosoms and out I journeyed into the stygian darkness with only a dog for company. It was 4 AM or thereabouts when all the telescopery gear was distributed handily and pointed in the right direction. Yepper, there was Queen Cassiopeia who ordered her only daughter, Andromeda, to be chained naked to a great rock that stuck up from the depths of some great sea; chained naked to a great rock to await the coming of a great sea monster of unspecified phylum. But hark, along comes Perseus and his flying horse, Pegasus, and together they rescue Andromeda. What a spell that is, from a time of great religious transition in those bygone times.

Anyway, I had some unfinished business with Queen Cassiopeia due to some user telescopery errors that need not concern anyone. Hark, it was cloudy all yesterday evening so off I went to the Ample Bosoms predicting that the morning skies would clear, and being an Ovate focused in, sure enough, my foretelling proved true.

Just for fun, my first stop was Iota Cassiopeia, a lovely triple. Then it was down to Struve 3053, a lovely double. Then I went over to King Cepheus and explored a bit because I wasn't used to Cepheus in that particular location. Cepheus, you may recall is one of Queen Cassiopeia's significant others and also her husband. And finally now, I remember that I wanted to espy W2 Cassiopeia, but forgot about it in the mad dash through Cepheus.

The slightly second-hand 6mm Orthoscopic eyepiece works most excellently in the 133.5 Lomo Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope.


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