Friday, February 23, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - Day 65 of DY 1

Today, instead of going off to the lake to see Mr. Obama, I had to hunt for a grasshopper. Not only that, I could not find the grasshopper. So I didn't find the grasshopper or see Mr. Obama. Nobody from the CB found the grasshopper or saw Mr. Obama, not even Hope. Hope's in Australia with Chitlin and Associates. We might get a report back from Hope on Chitlin's waddle around the outback, anon. Reckon Chitlin's et up all the red kangaroos and koala bears yet.

Chitlin's another one the Congress needs to keep home. Please Congress, give me a tax break by cutting Chitlin's travel budget. Also, Congress, while you are at it, go ahead on and pass the One Man to a Pair of Pants Legislation. That legislation is long overdue.

I bet Chitlin chews with his mouth open. I bet, for Goddess Sakes, that he talks with his mouth full. I can just see that glutton, trecherman Chitlin, spluttering with his mouth full, "Mmmmff, all the red kangaroo and koala bear options are on the table. Right? Oink. Snort."

Yep. We need to keep Chitlin home. Course we don't want him around here either, especially tomorrow when my delicious cinnamon bun is slated to arrive in these parts. If Chitlin was around in the general vicinity of my delicious cinnamon bun, I should so fear for its safety that I might entirely lose my appetite.


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