There are a great many photogenic opportunities in the Boy's Comfort Station, but hardly any of them are appropriate for a family style venue such as this one. So last night I happened to be in the comfort station with the camera and tripod when I noticed this Geometrid because it kept landing on me. At last though, it lit on the wall because it wanted its picture taken. There are a great many of these geometrid style moths. But this is the one that visited the comfort station last night. If we see some more of these, outside, we might make an effort to determine their importance in the grand pyramid scheme that some call the human environment.
I am confident I am not the only person who thinks twice about "photogenic opportunities" in ANY comfort station. Nor am I the only one wondering WHY? What would possess anyone to be in a comfort station with a camera & tripod. Either you are monopolizing a valuable asset or someone needs to phone the police
So, here I am, out in the terrible wilderness, all alone with only a camera and tripod for company. Suddenly, nature calls upon me to perform an ablution. Hark! There's a comfort station, handy. But what shall I do with this camera and tripod? They are not permitted in the comfort station? They must remain outside, all alone, with no one to watch over them? Mercy!!!!
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