Saturday, February 03, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - Photographing Winter Weed Basal Rosettes

The importance of winter weed basal rosettes in nature, considering all of them at once, is both incalculable and unknown. Plus, we can only speculate wildly on all the benefits these many basal rosettes may provide to the general public. There is a possibility that the winter weed basal rosettes are all that is holding global incineration at bay, for example.

All that said, they are a challenge to an amateur photographer like myself. Yet they are a photographic challenge that I need to accept, once climatic conditions in these parts permit. What I am hinting at is that winter weed basal rosettes are important beyond the capacity of our feeble imaginations to realize, but the importance of these winter weed basal rosettes is hard to capture, photogenically.

Nevertheless, I shall continue onward, weather permitting, with my efforts to capture the true importance of these kindly plant parts, digitally. I just will not have all the photographs indicating their importance ready by Imbolc, our winter weed festival, now two days past. All righty then. Once I take care of this delicious cinnamon bun, I shall return to winter weed basal rosette digital photography idealization.


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