Monday, January 29, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - Locked On, Socked On, Around We Go

As everybody knows, the US cultural merry-go-round has the Demon Mammon at the controls. The Demon Mammon wants us all to really enjoy the ride, so he runs the ride, fast and bouncy. Hang on to your horsey!!!!

Dern it! As everybody also knows, the big deal for a righteous pagan is to get off one wheel or another, this time referencing the merry-go-round above, and stick awhile in some nice spot that is not going anywhere, relatively speaking. But alas, righteous pagans, like everyone else, are locked on, socked on, for the ride.

The heavy investors in the merry-go-round, the rulers of culture, have much to lose if the merry-go-round slows down. Everybody, the rulers of culture tell us, loses out on something if the ride slows. Even Gandhi, for example, required a clean loin cloth or two, a pair of spectacles, plus a jar or tumbler to piss in. Should the merry-go-round brake to inert status, even those interesting consumer items should be hard to come by, maybe.

Now for Crumby’s contribution to today’ thought. What if the wheel, the very same wheel possibly espied by Ezekiel, was actually the US culture merry-go-round, a whirling beacon in the sky. Yepper, there that whirling beacon is, whirling around, bells and whistles clanging and whistling, horses and maybe ducks bucking up and down. Cool!!!! Look out, it shoots off cluster bombs.

Everybody knows that all the pagans, Pygmys for example, are terminal consumers at heart. Those Pygmys just need to get some clothes on before they line up for the ride. Nobody wants to see a bunch of naked Pygmys lined up to get on the merry-go-round. Obstinate Pygmys that line up naked need to be tortured and cluster bombed; amusement park rules.

But forget about the miserable pagans and Pygmys for the nonce. Who cares about miserable pagans anyway? Well, maybe, other miserable pagans care, but forget about all those miserable pagans. They are a tiny minority and don’t deserve your concern. Instead, consider this. The merry-go-round has slowed down. You can jump on. Now it is time to exercise your freedom of choice. Mercy! Which Horse? Horse or Duck? Horse, Duck or what’s that thing that just sits there? Is that a sleigh or a chariot or a motor car? Well, it does not buck up and down so I need a duck or a horse. Dang it! Freedom of choice is slowing me down. A highly competitive boy just jumped on the last horsey. I better get on this bucking duck.

Once enthroned upon the bucking duck, you notice you can see clearly now. All the goofy stuff you used to see is gone from your visage and replaced by a new virtual visual freedom. With your new virtual visual freedom you espy freedoms of choice stretching out from horizon to horizon to horizon to horizon, flat as a pancake. Why it’s just like the world is flat. And you thought only ignoramuses held the opinion that the world was flat.

Mercy! You espy that you have unlimited freedom of choice. Hold it. I can’t buck along on this duck forever. I need a place to stay. Let’s see. My options are, a place in the city or a place near the city. The city affords the convenience of convenience, but there are pagans sneaking around in the shadows and dead birds all over the place. The near the city option indicates a long boring, expensive almost daily commute, but I shall not have as many sneaking pagans and dead birds to deal with, maybe. I got to decide, I got to get off this bucking duck. Mercy!


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