Rayetta's Butterflies - Strymon melinus on Salvia greggii (the wild type)
Ray. Do you have a thought for today?
Crumby. Do you have a thought?
Yepper Rayetta. I do have a thought or twain. You know Rayetta, all these bourgeoise Mammonite environmental refugees are crowding into these parts. They are building gigantic mansions, hedging their tacky mansions about the paltry wildlife refuges. I am not sure why they feel obliged to do that. Probably, just because they can. The only redeeming aspect of having all these bourgeoise Mammonites polluting the environment in these parts with their ridiculous mansions and their gluttonous selves, is, that if they are here, they are not somewhere else, maybe. We need to figure out where they are not, and move there.
Yes Crumby. These newcomers are a gluttonous lot. Perhaps we should publish some pictures of their hideous mansions, towering as they are over the warbler preserves.
No, no, no, Rayetta!!!! I might get fired. I need to buy two more lenses for the camera before I can get fired.
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