Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - Aloha Pen-da-hos Plus Rainfall Update

Yep. We are back from the beautiful island of Hawaii, located somewhere out in the Pacific Ocean. Flying over the Pacific Ocean in a large airplane, one can see another island, Maui, to the northwest of Hawaii. That's the island I saw first out the window of the airplane. But then the airplane landed on Hawaii so that is where we got out.

When we got back, today, I found approximately 0.25" in the gauge plus a dead bee. So the new total is, 31.78" + 0.25" = 32.03. Plus, the rain is falling at this very nonce, a welcome from the Blessed Goddess. Praise the Goddess!

The island of Hawaii is very interesting. For one thing, a weasel-like mammal, the well-known mongoose, is ubiquitous. The mongoose, Riki-Tiki-Tavi, is the most famous of all the mongooses and is perhaps ancestral to some of the many mongooses I observed inhabiting Hawaii, including several road kill mongooses.

Here we see a kitty cat feeding station behind the mall on Pahalani Road in Kona. Apparently some kindly soul feeds and waters all the stray kitty cats in those parts. But hark! The mongooses like kitty chow too. Plus, those mongooses are scrappy enough to mix it up with kittys. Mercy!

The miserable mongooses get the food dish to themselves. Uh. These pictures in no way depict the swarms of kittys and mongooses habitating behind this Kona shopping center.


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