Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Crumby's Thought for the Day - Our Brave Allies Whip Ladies

Long ago, the Goddess washed her hands of those parts. She shall never return, until those parts are cleaned up. When will that be? Maybe, when the oil runs out. But more likely, by then it shall be too late. More likely, never.

Here's how that all worked out. Long ago the Goddess espied that all the little Sun Gods running around in those parts were crazy. All righty then, since you are all crazy, I shall stop the rain. We shall see how you like that. Then the Goddess forgot all about those parts. Because they were not very interesting after the rain stopped.

Eventually, all the crazy little Sun Gods in those parts, may have gone to heaven, or somewhere. Huh-huh. Yet, their goose steppers persisted in those parts, under the supervision of various imperialisms. Eventually, the imperialists discovered lots of oil left over from when it used to rain. Ha! Surmised the imperialists and all the locals, all this oil shall make us rich. Rich beyond our wildest dreams!

Then everyone squabbled over the oil. Meantime, minus the Goddess, some of the locals decided to make slaves out of all the ladies. The justification for making slaves out of the ladies was the purported behavior of Jezebel.
These ladies all have the potential to behave like Jezebel. So we shall enslave all these ladies to keep them from all acting like Jezebel.
So that's what the locals did, enslave the ladies. To this very day, even those in those parts that are our brave allies, whip the ladies, publicly, for sport. They do that whipping of the ladies, publicly, with the full support and backing of our ignoramus Kinglet.

Now if our ignoramus Kinglet was a real man, he would send in somebody else to rescue the lady that is fixing to get whipped. Then, he would have some of his other minions cluster bomb the bejesus out of the Arabian Peninsula. If he did that, I would consider it a good expenditure of my tax dollars. Especially if the royal family got clustered bombed. Probably though, the royal family would all be having tea at Kennebunkport, escape the cluster bombing, and then recieve a bunch of my tax dollars to rebuild whatever got cluster bombed, plus, ten times more for the inconvenience they suffered.


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