Saturday, January 12, 2008

Magnus the Busboy, Part 2

Blodeuwedd, stop taunting Magnus. Let him finish his pie in peace.

Yes Granny.

There they all were. Cerridwen espied Magnus as he picked at his cherry pie. Magnus espied Blodeuwedd sprawled out in the wheelbarrow. Blodeuwedd sang to herself. Tra-la-la, la-de-da.

Meantime the level of the beer in the trough gradually climbed, because Twrch Trwyth’s beer trough level constantly renewed itself. Anon, the level of the beer in the trough reached even with Twrch Trwyth’s mighty nostrils. The snoozing pig snorted, clearing his mighty nostrils. With that snort, a tidal wave slid down the trough only to break against the end of the trough, then wash back upon the snout of the mighty pig. Thrice Twrch Trwyth snorted. Thrice the rebounding wave sloshed over the mighty pig.

At last though, as the third mighty wave rebound crashed upon Twrch Trwyth, the pig awoke. I need to get up, thought the pig. Laboriously, his noggin clouded with beer fumes, Twrch Trwyth hoisted himself up on to his fore trotters. Then, just as laboriously, Twrch Trwyth hoisted himself up on to his hind trotters. Then, gingerly, the mighty pig stepped out of the trough. First he got his fore trotters out. Then his hind trotters. There now, exclaimed Twrch Trwyth, I am on dry land again.

Espying that Magnus was at table, the curious pig ambled on over. Once ambled over, Twrch Trwyth took a load off his hind trotters, sitting himself down next to Magnus.

Did my good pig get plenty to eat and drink?, Cerridewn wanted to know.

Almost, your most gracious WG. How’s the cherry pie, Magnus?

Delicious. Just the right balance of tart and sweet. Plus, the crust is light and flaky.

Are you fixing to eat it all?


Cerridwen and Twrch Trwyth espied Magnus as Magnus picked at his pie. Blodeuwedd, sprawled in the wheelbarrow sang to herself. Tra-la-la, la-de-da.

Magnus thought. Ahem, that pig wants my pie. I am full. Yet if I give my pie to the pig, they shall want me to operate the wheelbarrow by myself, immediately. Yet that dang big old mean gal is sprawled out in the wheelbarrow. Look at her. She is so big her legs stick out plumb over the end of it.

True enough. Blodeuwedd was so big her knees were situated all the way to the end of the wheelbarrow with the rest of her legs hanging over, kicking cadence to, Tra-la-la, la-de-da.

Mercy! Thought Magnus. Oh well. Might just as soon get it over with.

Maam. This pie is delicious. But I ate too much already. So I can not finish my delicious pie. I reckon Twrch Trwyth wants the rest of my pie. Do you allow him to get treats at table?

Sure we do. He’s such a good pig. Twrch Trwyth want some pie. Yes he do.

With that, Magnus slid his cherry pie over to the edge of the table in front of the happily smiling pig.

Thank you Magnus. I shall make short work of this pie. Ummm. Snort. Snort.

Mercy! Thought Magnus. Where did it go?

Sure enough, then Cerridwen wanted to know if Magnus was ready to operate the wheelbarrow.

Magnus are you ready to operate the wheelbarrow.

Yes Maam. But first I need to go to the Boy’s Comfort Station. There are a couple of ablutions I need to attend to before I wheel or barrow that wheelbarrow. The Druids always required me to wash up after dinner and supper. I expect that requirement applies in these parts also.

Yes Magnus, that requirement is general. You are a smart little boy Magnus. Do you remember how to get to the Boy’s Comfort Station, Magnus?

Yes Maam. Excuse me now. I shall return, anon.

Magnus headed off to perform his post dinner ablutions.

Meantime, the question on everyone’s mind, including Cerridwen, Blodeuwedd, Twrch Trwyth, and maybe Arianrhod, should have been, Can Magnus operate the wheel barrow? That’s what Magnus was focused in on while he was ensconced in the relative comfort of the Boy’s Comfort Station. Yet all those others had already skipped over that question. They were discussing their own business, attitudes and opinions. Fortunately, Magnus thought they were all discussing him. Otherwise, Magnus would have been too aggravated to perform his ablutions.

Anon, Magnus, bladder drained and hands washed, set forth from the Boy’s Comfort Station, headed back to the dining and gaming area and fetched up in the general vicinity from which he had only recently departed.

I am fixing to wheel or barrow that complex machine, Maam.

Good. Now Magnus, first you must pick up the handles. Then you push so that the wheel rolls and the barrow goes along at a good pace.

Magnus situated himself between the wheel barrow handles, looking forward in the direction he wished to propel the complex machine or wheel barrow. Yet looking down, he espied the noggin of Blodeuwedd, grinning up at him wickedly.

Maam. Your grand daughter is staring up at me wickedly, distracting me.

Blodeuwedd! Stop staring at Magnus.

Yes Granny. Tra-la-la, la-de-da.

How the heck am I supposed to accomplish this task, thought Magnus. First, Magnus reached up to the handles, his thumbs directed toward the supine Blodeuwedd and the anterior of this complex appliance. But Magnus was too short to do any good. Even with his elbows pulled up to the maximum height possible, the wheelbarrow arose, not at all.

Magnus! Crouch down. Then, once you have crouched down, reverse your thumbs, Twrch Trwyth advised.

Magnus crouched down. Then, reversing his thumbs, so that his thumbs were pointed rearward in the direction of himself, Mangus grasped the wheelbarrow handles, and strove to arise. But the wheel barrow only toppled over sidewise, dumping Blodeuwedd out.

Undismayed, the maiden component of the Triplet Goddess, Blodeuwedd, pronounced, See Granny, he’s just a baby.

But Twrch Trwyth believed in Magnus. Let him try again. Wheelbarrows are tricky. He just needs to get the hang of it.

So Blodeuwedd climbed back into the wheel barrow and sprawled out like before. Tra-la-la, la-de-da.

Now Magnus, advised Twrch Trwyth, be sure to push up with equivalent amounts of force on both handles this time.

Magnus thought, that sounds like good advice, but this time when he heaved up, Blodeuwedd dumped out on the opposite side from where She was dumped out of the wheelbarrow the first time.

See Granny. He’s just a baby. Lucky for me we are not dealing with a great height. Otherwise, I might descend more than a cubit and dash myself to pieces. Tra-la-la, la-de-da. Bodeuwedd climbed back into the wheel barrow.

Try again Magnus, Twrch Trwyth urged. A boy like you can do it. Concentrate. Remember, push up with the same force on both handles.

This is terrible, thought Magnus. The mass of that dang gal I am hopelessly in love with must easily exceed the mass of the pig, Twrch Trwyth, the very same pig that has only recently eaten up my cherry pie leftover. And still that pig has plenty of room for good advice. Mercy!

But then Magnus was hit by an epiphany. What would the Druids advise in this situation? Is there some rule or other that applies? Let me see.

Magnus thought and thought. What Druid rule applies, Magnus thought. I know, Magnus finally thought. If all else fails, throw yourself on the mercy of the WG.

Please, please Maam. I am too little to wheel this prodigious barrow, especially since this enormous wheel barrow is encumbered by your spectacular grand daughter. Please, please, merciful WG, assign me some other task, worthy of my keep. Like maybe I could guard the Rcs.

No Magnus. You must operate the wheelbarrow by yourself. If you do not operate the wheelbarrow by yourself, who will? And if the wheelbarrow is not operated, who shall refill Twrch Trwyth’s trough?

Well. Maybe Twrch Trwyth could go around and eat the leftovers off the tables. That way, the leftovers should not require wheeling and barrowing over to the trough.

You are forgetting, Magnus, that the paying customers may not wish to espy a pig eating off their tables. What about that, Magnus?

Yeah but, the fact remains, I may be too little to operate this wheelbarrow. We have here, what the Druids name, a dichotomy.

OK Magnus. Since you have thrown yourself on My Mercy, and since you have had a great many adventures and only one decent meal in all that time, I shall grant you a reprieve. Temporarily, I shall conjure you strong enough to operate the wheelbarrow by yourself. Note though, I shall not make you any bigger, only stronger, and I shall distribute that strength in accord with your standard bilateral symmetry. Now try again, Magnus, to operate the wheel barrow.

Again, Magnus knelt. Pushing upward against the relentless force of Upup, Magnus felt that the omnipotent Gravity God relax, slightly. There Magnus was, the handles of the wheel barrow on high, even up with Magnus’s chin, the great wheelbarrow wheel, ready to roll along.

Off we go, exclaimed Magnus excitedly. Then Magnus directed the wheelbarrow through a series of complex serpentine maneuvers all around the dining and gaming area of the WG Bar and Grill.

Mercy! Everyone hollered out. Magnus is our hero. Now Twrch Trwyth shall not starve this very night. Magnus can operate the wheelbarrow by himself. Yip! Yip! Yip!

But then Magnus had to go take a nice nap.


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