Monday, September 29, 2008

The Free Market

As everyone knows except maybe a few cannibals, the twin pillars of Americano Land are Jesus and the free market. Some might argue that these twain pillars are imaginary. But even if these twain pillars are imaginary, does that make them less real? Course not.

Lo and behold, alas, there is lamentation. The lament goes. The last vestiges of the free market are disappearing forever. Mercy!

The Druids have been dealing with a similar situation for a very long time. The Druid situation though, relates to the loss of Faeries and Faery Habitat. Faeries do not adapt to areas that are paved and lit up with electric lights, 24/7. As Faery habitat is paved and lit up, the miserable Faeries either move off somewhere else, get squashed by construction equipment, or die of broken hearts.

These days the Faeries have been exterminated from just about all the former Faerie Range. Global Faerie extinction is imminent. Druids, worn to a frazzle from the long struggle to save the Faeries, have nothing left to give. No. The Druids can not save the free market because we are worn out from trying to save the Faeries. Plus, Druids don’t care about the free market.

Yet some may be fixing to try and save the free market. Like Dr. Paul. Obviously, Dr. Paul will try to save the free market. But leaving out Dr. Paul, who else? Well, there is old Senator Bunning, maybe.

Jeez Louise! How old is Senator Bunning anyway? Senator Bunning was serving up long balls when Heck was a pup. He may be too old to save the free market for long.

Yikes! Leaving out Dr. Paul, and once Senator Bunning is gone, only the House Republicans shall be available for fixing to save the free market. Yet those House Republicans are great believers in the free market so their efforts may suffice.

Right at this very nonce, Jesus is being importuned by the House Republicans. Jesus! Help us Jesus! Help us save the free market.

So Jesus answers. Drive out the money lenders. Usury is a sin. Make usury a crime. Give all the money to the poor people. Yes. That’s it. Redistribute the wealth, down. Then, capital may accumulate into fewer and fewer hands, the old fashioned way, the free market way.

Dern it! Nevertheless, the House Republicans shall fix to believe in the free market and fix to believe in saving the free market. How? Propose to further destabilize Americano Land with more tax cuts for the Mammonites.


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