Sunday, October 04, 2009

Sunday Morning after Band Day

The drumming has stopped, temporarily. Yes. The infernal drumming shall start anew Monday and or Tuesday night. But for the nonce it is stopped. Mercy! Yes. Now that I can hear myself think, it is time for reflection. Yes. Ten straight hours or more of infernal drumming always reminds Crumby that the Great Global Titration may be nigh. Yepper. Eventually, post Great Global Titration, the quiet and the dark of the night shall return even unto these noisiest and most polluted of parts. Trouble is, Crumby won’t be around to enjoy the quiet or the dark of the night. No he won’t. That’s why Crumby needs to do something. Just do something, Crumby! Do something positive.

But Crumby wonders. Can I, Crumby, now that I am old and feeble, plus frail, do much of anything, much less something positive? Unlikely. Hmm. Maybe like those things, what do you call them, that like go over your ears, maybe I could purchase a set of those? Maybe they have improved them to make them totally impervious to incessant drumming? No. No. No. Don’t be ridiculous. You shall still feel the vibrations Crumby. Yes. Those vibrations would still afflict your pitiful old bones, titillate your femurs, travel up your spine to your noggin bones, setting those noggin bones to vibrating.

No Crumby. What you need to try first is migration. Yes. Migration. Migration is the only rational solution. Remember Crumby. Focus on migration. Terror is an irrational solution. Terror is only effective as a function of state power. Like for example, the only solution to white terror is red terror. Or, Shock and Awe!!!!! Mercy!

Praise the Goddess! When the Druids were in charge, every day was like a semi-Sunday. That’s correct. Nobody did much work ever, but only a little work now and then. But when the Christians took over, everybody except white property owners had to work super hard most of the time. But then along came like Pope What’s His Name, uh, Pope Martin Luther maybe, and he says, OK, you miserable workers and peasants and slaves can have Sundays off. Plus, on those specified Sundays you need to be quiet except when you are making joyful noises. Yet all those joyful noises need to occur mostly inside buildings so that those buildings shall help to deaden your racket. That way, with most of your racket deadened, you won’t disturb the actually contemplative.

Yes. The older I get, the more I appreciate the wisdom of putting all the Christians inside big, fairly sound proof buildings on Sundays. Yes. Inside those edifices or structures the noise is constrained, afflicting only the high heavens, maybe. Otherwise, on Sunday, they would all be over here, hooting, whooping and banging on drums at the Burger Center.


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