Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another CB Homop (Cuerna sp.)

Recall the struggle for equal rights the homops have waged, only to be denied those miserable same rights by the majority hemips. These days the poor homops go entirely unrecognized in most places. That’s why the contrarian CB continues to recognize the poor homops. Surely, their day shall come. Just like Joseph’s day came, maybe.

Hmm. Maybe, considering the locale of the CB in the Republico duh Booblico, Crumby should explain the joke. As you may know, the Homoptera once had their own Order. Lately, the old Order Homoptera has been subsumed into Hemiptera. Thus, the long struggle between homops and hemips, which coincidentally sounds lots like homos and he men.

Joseph is of course the mythological owner of the coat of many colors, very like the coat of the Cuerna sp. included above.


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