Thursday, March 11, 2010

Crumby’s Commentary on “Rural exertion for an urban reward”

Egad! Crumby swears to the Goddess. The Tejano dumbshits are just fucking with me.

Hey! Crumby thought for a nanosecond, I should write a letter to the editor of the neo-Falangist Austin American Statesman newspaper.

But then Crumby calmed down. Fuckers! It’s just another routine assault on decency and problem solving.

OK. For about the last hundred years the federal government has been subsidizing welfare ranchers in the Republico duh Booblico for the clearing of the brush. Which means, the average Americano gets to pay out for brush control on the average republico booblico ranchette every 20 years. But because there are plenty of ranchettes, the average dumbass taxpayer gets to pay out taxes for brush control on all the rachettes collectively over the course of that dudas miserable proletarian tax paying lifetime, instead of just for the 20 year discrete event on one ranchette that might seem semi-fair.

So! The various hoards of gentry type welfare ranchers get brush control subsidized by the tax payers, you and me. Yes. The feds clear brush at the taxpayer’s expense on the welfare ranches and have been doing this activity all over the state for about 100 years. But now, what’s the justification for my subsidizing of the millionaire Tejano ranchette way of life. Remember, Crumby has been subsidizing their sorry asses his whole working life (52 years). But now, alas and alack, the ranchette free riders are supposedly supplying Crumby with cool water in payment for their stinking debt.

Cool water. If only Crumby had known. All the Tejano ranchers ever wanted from brush control was to provide the thirsty urban proletariat with water. Goodness!

Oh My Goddess! Crumby always thought they were just exploiting cheap Mexican labor and raping the environment for short term profit. Now Crumby knows the truth. And Crumby feels real bad. Huh-huh!


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