Spring has Sprung

The peach tree is blooming. Alas. So are the plums. Alas. Yet there are hardly any pollinators about. Man! Why the heck go to the trouble of producing mass quantities of flowers when there are no pollinators? Seems like bad timing to Crumby.
There may be a few honey bees around, but nowhere near enough to deal with the sudden profusion of flowers. Later, there will be plenty of honey bees, but no flowers. The poor little bees shall wind up visiting Mountain Dew cans in the garbage. Mercy!
Yes. Well maybe if this flower can hang on until tomorrow, a nice sunny day shall bring a bee or some other potential pollinator. But another thing Crumby has already noticed is that the predators are at way too high a density. Those predators generally track prey density here at the CB and don’t appear in relatively big bunches until later. Mercy! At this very nonce there are more assassin bugs on the plum tree than Hoover flies.
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