Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Olympus E330 - Mirror Fell Off, Again

There Crumby was, fixing to take another picture of a lady bug when suddenly there was nothing to look at in the viewfinder. Nothing. Shit!, Crumby thought. This dang 35mm lens has been acting up lately. It goes to 1:1 and won’t retreat. I reckon its gone to Hades now, totally.

But then when Crumby took the lens off, the mirror fell out of the camera, again.

The first time Crumby accidentally poked the mirror out. But this time it fell out all on its own.

Crumby did not hesitate even long enough to scratch himself. I’ll glue the mofo back on myself, Crumby told everybody.

That’s what Crumby did too. Crumby cleaned the mirror with alcohol, put on some fresh glue and stuck that sucker back in the camera. We shall see, anon.

Otherwise, Crumby would have had to send the camera to California for yet another repair session. Screw that. That’s $200 bucks. That’s 10 sawbucks.

Crumby has had the E330 for over three years and he got it used. Good value. Not likely. So screw that. Plus the dang rubber is always coming off the grip. Crumby has glued all that dern rubber back on three or four times. Screw that.

Man alive! If the workhorse 35mm is lame too, Crumby may chuck all this off brand Olympus camera equipment. A Nikon D90 sounds like the right ticket to Crumby. A 7D would be even better. Fuck this sorry low light, sad autofocus, noisy, aggravation.


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